About StES
Students Encountering Science (StES) 2017 is 10th traditional Student Conference with international participation organized by Student Parliament of the University of Banja Luka. The conference gives the challenging opportunity to the young scientists to get some feedback of the work with which they are just trying to deal, and to measure their strength in an international field. StES is established in 2008 year with the sole aim of making Science and Technology open for students.
During the years students from the following countries have participated in the Conference: BYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Ukraine, Russia, Germany and India. StES 2017 will take place from 27th to 30thNovember 2015 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants will have chance to publish their abstracts and papers and to introduce their work to other participants with discussing. Abstracts and papers are classified in six sections:
- Natural sciences
- Engineering and technology
- Medical and health sciences
- Agricultural sciences
- Social sciences
- Humanities sciences
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